Meet Melissa!

That's Me! 

I love all things creative, colorful and DIY. I have no training in decorating, construction or crafting – just a DIY show watching, pinterest stalking, blog reading fool! Insert DIY obsession and belief that all things can be achieved with enough woman power and price stalking. Yes, you can always buy exactly what you want (inspiration pieces) but as a 28 year old, who has $3000 for a dresser? Or $400 for a pair of lamps? Also being the OCD queen that I am, a lot of times I can't find EXACTLY what I'm looking for...insert creation of Frankinstein pieces made by yours truly. I'm just trying to share the ideas I have found from other inspirational amazing genius bloggers, and tips and tricks I have found that work for me. We can all learn something along the way. 

If you enjoy your visit, I hope you will want to subscribe to my page and become a follower.


Married with Fur Children: Married my husband, Ron at the Hyatt Key West Resort and Spa, Key West, Florida
Fur Kids: Chandler Bing - Black Cat, age 7; Monica - Cat, age 5; Joey 'How You Doin' Tribbiani - Golden Retriever, age 1; Baby Duval - Golden Retriever, age 6 months
Favorite Place: The beach - any beach...preferably KW or South Carolina. To quote my favorite man, "I gotta go where it's warm" - Jimmy
Favorite part of the day: When I walk through the door and get attacked by doggie kisses...heart melt!
Favorite Inside Pastime: Starting projects & eventually finishing them. eek.
Favorite Outside Pastime: Lying in my hammock with Baby D / Playing fetch with the dogs. LOVE.
Favorite Music: Mr. Buffett, Period. ZBB and Black Eyed Peas also deserve a like in there too.
Favorite Color: Ready for this? Lime Green! I know, you're shocked! hahaha
Favorite Movie(s): Harry Potter, Anything with Will Ferrell, LOTR, Transformers!!!, Comic Book Movies - ie. Iron Man, The Avengers, THOR, Cap't America, Batman - Dark Knight Series Only, & Xmen Movies...Who Am I?
You'll Find On My DVR: FRIENDS, The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, Anger Management, Office Space, How I Met Your Mother, Dance Moms (Guilty Pleasure), The Vampire Diaries {insert judgement here}, Project Runway, & recent addition - Sullivan and Son...check this out! Funny Stuff! Modern day version of cheers! You can't go wrong if Vince Vaughn is involved.
Dislike: Traffic, Onions, Paying full price for things...esp when there is a coupon code box, and when people insult my dogs, seriously we will fight. Oh and Petco, OMG what a trash bag.
Splurges: Pottery Barn Bedding - Can't live without it. Also, purses, anything from target, and toys for my dogs...yea they're spoiled!
If You Walked Into My House Right Now You Would Immediately Know: We love Key West, the Beach, Jimmy Buffett, our dogs, lime green, and pottery barn...atleast their aesthetic!
Celebrity I Want To Spend The Day With: Jimmy! Jen is a close second! {Don't mind me, they're my bffs so we're on a first name basis}
Can’t Live Without: Ron, my babies, or chick-fil-a

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