Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My First Post

A terrible thing to waste...this title was given to me by my friend Heidi. Intended to refer to both my sarcastic nature and inability to keep my opinions to myself and my love to refinish. How witty. Thank you, Heidi.

This is my first attempt at blogging - I hope to keep it upbeat, sarcastic OFCOURSE and have a few laughs. Meant to be both a journal (brag book) of my DIY projects, a how to guide for future DIYers, and sometimes just a venting board when I'm really steaming (sorry in advance for those!).

I know there are a billion diy blogs out there, I want to keep it real. I, like many of you am addicted to pinterest. Before pinterest there was hgtv and tlc... and while watching these channels/looking at these sites I believe there is nothing I can't do! While that is true, ...(with enough reading)... I want to show the real steps to these projects. This is not the pop it in the oven and now oh look here is another cake already finished! I'm going to show all of it - REAL hours required, my mistakes...which we can only learn from and of course my victories. Oh and the real tools required...alcohol! Don't judge me...I am extremely OCD, we are talking to the point that I can not be in the room when my husband is tiling because I get soo stressed out if the joints aren't lining up.  If you are like me, starting these projects can be the hardest part sometimes. A little vino, or a couple of coronas...those are the real tools required to get you to loosen up and jump feet first into these DIY projects and realize perfection isn't always worth it.

So come along and join the DIY revolution, just say no to retail prices.

*Confession - As you will see, I am a serious pottery barn addict - but only for things that I absolutely can not do myself ...ie sewing...wow I can't sew to save my life.*

So let me introduce myself...I'm Melissa - 28 years old, wife of 2 years , mother to 4 beautiful fur children - my oldest, Chandler is a 7 year old black cat (...yes he is named after Chandler Bing, full name Ms. Chanandler Bong) please stop reading if you don't get this FRIENDS reference. just kidding, kind of. Our next child is 5 year old cat Monica - we got her for Chandler. For those of you who are about to stop reading my blog, I would like to announce, I'm not a cat person...Chandler was adopted because I missed having pets having always grown up with dogs. Being a college student with an insane schedule, getting a dog didn't seem fair. Insert Chandler - the cat that plays fetch (apology accepted for judgement). Moving on, comes Joey 'How You Doin' Tribbiani the beautiful golden retriever, who turned 1 on July 4th. Last but not least we have baby Duval who is 6 months old, Joey's biological baby brother. So that is our family. Yes, I have a zoo and I am very blessed that my husband, Ron puts up with it.
Our family - minus the purrs on Joey's 1st birthday

Wrapping up - I work in Mclean, VA, and have about 2 hours worth of commuting every day in LOTS OF TRAFFIC so my free time is precious when I am at home.  Between husband, dogs, cats, dinner, drinks, project time, sleep etc... - Hence the sparatic rantings you will find about DC (just a warning). You will probably find me from time to time trying out some new recipes on here but probably "easy" or "quick" will always be in the name since I spend 10 hours a week in the car - BLECH.
This was my total Monday commute time last week- Dear DC, I hate you. 
Ok, that is enough about me. Until next time when we can start getting to the fun stuff.

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